
Comparison of Class GS-VE5 and Yale Scorpion ML 14 locks

Lock Class GS-VE5
Lock Yale ML 14

Differences in operating manuals:
Lock Class GS-VE5
Замок Yale ML 14
24 months guarantee period 36 months guarantee period
4th class lock according to GOST 5089-97 3rd class lock according to GOST 5089-2003
Produced by LCC Simeco under the license granted by Class company Produced by LCC Class-K under the control of ASSA Abloy Group, Sweden
Lock Class GS-VE5
Lock Yale ML 14

General view of the lock parts


False groove is sawed out manually using a round needle file
The clearance between the code grove of the bit/level and the tail-end/stem stand is equal to 1,2 mm.

False groove is sawed out manually using a round needle file
The clearance between the code grove of the bit/level and the tail-end/stem stand is equal to 1,2 mm.

Material: steel 0.5 mm

Material: brass


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